by Marketing ScreamingBox
13 mins read
  1. Marketing

Most developers and product managers usually focus on the product definition and requirements when developing a product. This is what they are supposed to do, build the product. So, what is the connection between Brand Identity and digital development? Why should developers, product owners and project managers care about Brand Identity?

The hi-level answer is simple; in a general sense, a product/service of a business is a part of its Brand Identity. The way a product is designed and presented shows the user/customer what the brand represents, and therefore becomes an asset of a Brand’s Identity.

Brand Identity is a marketing component of a business, and many people see the product component and the marketing components of a business as very separate. Marketing people should market the business/products, and developers should build the products. Godzilla destroys the city, he doesn’t count the number of buildings destroyed…or something like that.

What Comes First?

Marketing is a large set of all business activities related to getting people to buy a product or service. Of these activities is a subset known as Brand Marketing, sometimes referred to as the people who have long lunches talking about how they can make people like them.

The goal of a company’s Brand Marketing is to develop a loyal customer base by continuously and consistently communicating the brand’s identity. It defines long-term, strategic plans to bolster a brand’s recognition and reputation. Brand Marketing has several components including Social Media, PR, communications, marketing materials and developing and maintaining the Brand Identity.

This gets us to Brand Identity. Marketing, Brand Marketing, Brand Identity. A company’s Brand Identity is what a company has decided or determined is how they want all stakeholders to perceive what the brand means to everyone. It answers the question; “How are you different from all your competitors?”

It is what sets you apart. Your brand identity differentiates a company’s brand from every other similar brand. For example, there are hundreds of web-developing businesses; what makes ScreamingBox different from all the other development companies? Brand identity is crucial to any brand; it helps people identify and locate you in a sea of similar businesses.

It is important to understand that there is a difference between brand identity and brand logo . This is critical, because product developers sometimes think that including a logo within the product or digital asset is enough, but it is not. A brand logo can be a business’s symbol, but it doesn’t entirely capture its essence. Creating a logo is just the first step towards building a unique brand identity. You need to create an identity for your brand if you want to make a name for yourself, standing out among competitors.

Defining Brand Identity and Popular Examples

A brand identity represents its values, services, and how customers can identify it from the competition. It is what you want your customers to feel when they interact with your brand. Your brand identity is essentially the communicator of your business’s personality and an assurance to your customers.

In addition, brand identity consists of visible elements like design, logo, taglines, color, and everything that makes a brand different; including it’s product designs. Brand identity creation involves choosing a business name, creating a logo, and crafting messages and communication methods. It also involves shaping a specific image in your customers’ minds by creating shapes and visuals and using colors. Brand identity is a collection of certain elements collected by a brand to portray a certain image in consumers’ minds.

For example, let’s say you’re starting a Brand Marketing Agency . You will need to choose a catchy business name to start with, I suggest watching old Godzilla movies or other things you find interesting as inspiration. Many new brands don’t know this but, your business name can make it or break it. Create a name that is interesting, different and edgy. Also, make sure you do domain searches to make sure there is a good website URL available for it. After choosing a name, you create a logo, your business’s motto, about page, and other things to mark your brand’s territory in the business world.

Popular brand identity examples include Coca-Cola, Apple, McDonald’s, and Uber. These are strong and world-renown brands that know the essence of creating a brand identity. For example, anyone can recognize the Coca-Cola logo anywhere, and everyone knows what Apple is about .

Coca-Cola’s brand identity comprises its red logo in script text and its print logo on bottles. Only Coca-Cola has this logo and type of bottle, assuring their consumers that they are authentic – and that’s what brand identity is about. The product and the logo together communicate the Brand Identity of these products. The look and feel of Apple products are part of the Brand Identity, not just the physical products, but the packaging, customer support, documentation, download product, update process, etc.

This is why the connection between Brand Identity and product development is so critical, and why tech developers need to understand Brand Identity and how it relates to product development.

Brand Identity Elements for Tech Development

Understanding the elements that make up brand identity will help tech developers make sure that when managing and developing products, that a complete Brand Identity is incorporated in all aspects of the product development to ensure that the product strengthens and gets the sales benefit of the Brand.

Brand Logo

This can be in the form of texts, shapes, images, or symbols that represent a brand’s name and essence or purpose. Consumers pay attention to the logo; therefore, you want to create a good one if starting a business or new product line. Many businesses today choose text-only logos because they are easier to remember and they tie in with a domain url. Make sure in developing products that the logo size and placement meets the Brand Style (see below) guide requirements.

Brand Font

The brand font you use on your website is part of your brand identity. You will need to choose a specific font for your site and marketing. The ideal is to use a captivating and clear font; it should be stylish but easy to understand. Popular fonts include Helvetica and Proxima Nova, but there are thousands to choose from. If you are going to have an on-line focused business, you may want to look and the common web fonts and your brand fonts to make it easier to line up all brand marketing platforms.

Brand Shape and Form

The Brand Shape and From refers to what image pops into the minds of the people of your target market when they encounter your Brand Identity. What images or thoughts do the different elements of a Brand Identity inspire? Does the logo have hard edges and right angles and darker colors for a more masculine effect, or soft colors and round shapes for a soft effect? Think about Apple, Samsung, or any other tech brand; what brand shape or form comes to mind? That shape or form constitutes the identity of these brands.

Brand Style

These are the visual elements of a brand. They are usually collected in a document or book known as the Brand Style Guide, which has all the different assets of a brand, and examples of all the application options and instructions on how to use all the brand elements. Best practices are to stick to one style and avoid using conflicting styles on web and mobile products and platforms. It is best to carefully select the style as it forms the foundation of your brand and can be a life-long identity for your business.

Why Brand Identity is Important for Tech Development

Most people are still unfamiliar with the tech world, and they find it difficult to relate. Therefore, building a unique and easy-to-remember brand identity is essential for the success of any Technology related brand. Your brand identity helps consumers understand your purpose, services, and worth; and more importantly it helps them trust you. A Brand Identity establishes your authority in the tech space while increasing your recognition chances. It also helps people remember you.

A good way to build a strong base of loyal customers is by building a strong, recognizable Brand Identity. Over time, and with a strong line of products and services a business can become a respected brand in the tech industry; and it’ll be the start of a brand’s journey to fame.

One of the main differences between a popular and obscure tech brand is Brand Identity. You want to build Brand Identity with a large and loyal fan base, consumer trust, brand recognition, and solid growth. Besides, every brand takes measures to improve itself and stand out from others; building brand identity helps you achieve this.

Tips for Building a Strong and Unique Brand Identity

The following tips can help one build a strong and unique brand identity:

Do Market Research

You will need to research and understand your target audience, competition, and business values. Know your customers; put yourself in their shoes to understand their demands and how to supply them. Understanding your customers’ needs gives you an idea of an admirable product to develop. After that, you’ll analyze your product and what makes it unique. Research competitors, what they offer, and how yours can be different, maybe better. Finally, spell out your brand aims, objectives, and vision.

Develop Your Brand Identity Elements

Once the first step is in place, the next step is to create your brand logo. Your brand logo should give consumers a good idea of what your business is about. You will use this logo for promoting your business, so you want to choose carefully. For example, you will use it in email campaigns, posters, billboards, push notifications, and more promotional advertisements. Remember, the logo should be both instructive and fascinating.

Choose Your Communication Language

Now, you’re ready to interact with customers and clients. You will need to choose a language that suits your brand identity to communicate with your consumers. This is not what spoken/written language you are using for a local market, we are referring to the tone and color of the wording/language you use for communication. Is the Brand Identity and target market one that needs formal, polite wording/language, or informal and colorful language? You’ll be using this language for as long as your brand exists, so consider it carefully. You want to choose a language that makes customers feel connected to your brand.

Avoid Vague Terms and Confusing Actions

Clear communication using certain and specific wording will help the target market get a quick and accurate understanding of a brand. As you build a brand, you want to avoid communicating with your customers in uncertain terms to avoid any confusion.

In addition, be creative and different; devise means of improving your product, while staying true to your original brand vision and purpose. Avoid changing your brand purpose, style, and identity on a whim. If anything changes, it should be the product or service getting improved and refined over time.

Track Your Brand Progress

Place your brand on a pedestal to gauge its performance and see if it is going as it should. You can always take advantage of Google Analytics for this purpose. Or you can ask for customer feedback on your products, conduct surveys, do Product Market Fit analysis, or go through social media to get an idea of how people perceive your brand.


Brand Identity imprints a tech brand in the hearts of a target market. A strong Brand Identity can turn people into long-term loyal customers. Therefore, you want to put everything you can – resources, time, and effort – into creating a strong, unique, and endearing identity for your tech brand.

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