APTATEK - Mobile Product Development
ScreamingBox develops a mobile app to read and manage data and reading from the Aptatek scanner.
With ScreamingBox, their vision already became reality.
ScreamingBox develops a mobile app to read and manage data and reading from the Aptatek scanner.
ScreamingBox provided the technical solution on both the implementation and product. ScreamingBox built a real-time chat platform that allows doctors to discuss treatments, fully integrated a full featured, third party video conference platform, and a DICOM image viewer tool. ScreamingBox also built a workflow manager to help the doctors create treatment plan suggestions.
The reason Blockchain technology is finding so many new applications, is because a “BlockChain” is kind of like a clear piggy bank that certain people can put things into it; and those people can see what’s in it and who put things in it, but nobody can open it and change it.
ScreamingBox developers built a custom, end-to-end intelligence model that integrated seamlessly with the organization’s email services.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can be a confusing concept, most might think it’s human-like robots walking around attempting to take over our lives. However, that isn’t necessarily the case! Robots can take on many forms, but when we refer to RPA we are mainly talking about programming on a computer that allows the software to complete repetitive tasks on behalf of the user.
ScreamingBox's digital product experts are ready to help you grow. What are you building now?
ScreamingBox provides quick turn-around and turnkey digital product development by leveraging the power of remote developers, designers, and strategists. We are able to deliver the scalability and flexibility of a digital agency while maintaining the competitive cost, friendliness and accountability of a freelancer. Efficient Pricing, High Quality and Senior Level Experience is the ScreamingBox result. Let's discuss how we can help with your development needs, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to set-up a call.
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